EDITORIAL: A Healthy Pink Life

"Never has a night defeated the dawn, and never has a problem defeated hope." (Bern Williams). Let's raise awareness! Let's raise awareness! There will always be something left. The main objective of the monthly campaign organized every October is to encourage women to adopt more virtuous behaviors, especially to prevent the cancers, presented as "feminine", of the breast and the cervix.


Maurel & Prom is a company. We have social and environmental responsibilities. So we are committed to the structures and to the population to conduct health and environmental campaigns. And this year, the 2022 edition consists in going, with the assistance of Welcome, to the populations to give free access to screening to prevent female cancers".


#As every year for the past 9 years, women have massively mobilized for the launch of the Pink October campaign. Campaign of mass awareness and prevention against female cancers including breast and cervical cancer. A communication kit was made available to all administrations involved in the awareness against female cancers. Launch of the pink October campaign at the Lycée Léon Mba beach