
Placed this year under the theme "Towards a neuro-inclusive world for all", the World Autism Awareness Day, commemorated on April 2 of each year, was celebrated the day before, in Port-Gentil, at the Imya neighborhood library. This was an opportunity to raise awareness among children in primary school classes who attend this reading and school support space, which is open to them free of charge.

Writer, slammer or poetess, the artist Nanda la Gaboma talked to the children, with words within their reach, on the essential of what they should know about autism. Above all, how to behave with children who have it.

After explaining that autism is not contagious and that autistic children have the same rights as other children, she led her young audience to describe the behaviors to have with autistic children. The children responded: "we should love them"; "we should talk to them"; "we should play with them"; "we should share our toys with them"; "we should teach them what we know".

They also realized that they, in turn, could learn a lot from children with autism, as there are areas in which they are very good, including music.

An exercise designed to contribute to the acceptance of autism in society.

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